Original dance/theater piece about anxiety, fear, self-help, and that bad Jodie Foster movie.
The Panic Show
2010 Le Quartz, Anticodes Festival, Brest, France
2009 Dance New Amsterdam, NY / Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA
“Witness Relocation, the physically intrepid company led by the misleadingly named Dan Safer, stages incapacitating fear and mass hysteria in The Panic Show.”
“Mr. Safer is a smart, playful artist, and his best works marry a muscular physicality with absurdly heightened theatrical situations. Here, his cast is terrified of everything: social encounters, escalators, Jodie Foster (who had her own “Panic Room,” a 2002 movie). As they detailed their woes, offering one another scant comfort, Mr. Safer interjected bursts of rough-and-tumble partnering, noises and lighting shifts.”
“Dan Safer/Witness Relocation’s The Panic Show at DNA was delightfully spot-on dance theater exploring anxiety, and hilarious to boot.”
“This is cutting-edge stuff. But it’s blessedly user-friendly.”